Inauguration of the New National Executive held on 11th May 2024 at St Joseph Catholic Cathedral, Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The following emerged as National Officers for the tenure 2024-2028.
- Mother MonicaAngo PZ National President
- Mother Obaweiki Justina Vice President
- Mother Abulimen Veronica 2nd Vice President
- Mother Akingbasote Anne Secretary
- Mother Orhiere Maria Assistant Secretary
- Mother Ndu-kanebiLauretta Treasurer
- Mother Obarisiagbo MAP Financial Secretary
- Mother Ayodele Elizabeth Assistant Financial Secretary
- Mother ErhaborMagdalene P.R.O 1
- Mother EzeokaforPerpetual P.R.O 2
- Mother (Prof) ChiomaAsuzu Ex Officio
- Mother Martha Oseni Ex Officio 2.
It was a memorable event. The event began at 10am with the Holy Mass. It was graced by The Metropolitan Archbishop of Kaduna Archdiocese who was represented by The Vicar General Very Rev Fr Philip Gaiya. Also present were the National ChaplainVery Rev Fr Philip Ejopharughe, National Sister Adviser Rev Sr. DumkaMicheal and the Kaduna Archdiocesan Chaplain Rev Fr. Dennis H. Dabo.
In the acceptance speech, the President appreciated all present and solicited for prayers, cooperation amongst and within members for a smooth and better tenure.